This is the sixth volume of the Magical★Explorer light novel series.
In the depths of a dungeon, Iori finds evidence of the Book of Raziel, a legendary tome that could destroy the world if it falls into the wrong hands. But when the Three Committees launch an investigation into the book, they discover that the school librarian, Rue Sakura, is actually an archangel! The Academy wastes no time in forming a team of capable students to subdue her, but Rue effortlessly quashes this resistance with her powerful magic. Just as all hope seems lost, however, Takioto rushes in to confront Rue once again! Does he have what it takes to avert a bad ending of apocalyptic proportions?!
聖伊織はダンジョンの深層でとある文献を発見する。 そこには万物の理が収められているという伝説のアイテム「ラジエルの書」について記されていた。 この書物が悪用されれば世界大戦にも繋がりかねない、事態を重く見た3会は早急に調査へと踏み切り、司書室の桜瑠衣が大天使ラジエルであるということを突き止める! 学園は総力をあげ掃討作戦を展開するも、その圧倒的な魔力の前に歯が立たず蹂躙されてしまうのだが―― 「よお、伊織。待たせたな」 「……遅いよ、幸助君」 絶対絶命の危機に駆けつけた瀧音は再び桜瑠衣と対峙する!
世界崩壊という最悪のバッドエンドを塗り変えられるのか!?Characters (In Order of Appearance)[]
- Chapter 1: Momentary Peace
- Chapter 2: Super-Chaos Benefit Enemy Dungeon
- Chapter 3: Their Respective Opinions
- Chapter 4: Hopeless Battle
- Chapter 5: Sakura's True Motive
- Chapter 6: The Book of Raziel
- Chapter 7: The Climactic Battle and Aftermath
- Chapter 8: The Future
- Afterword
Web Novel[]
- Chapters 137-172
- At the time of this volume's original release, the web novel's equivalent of this arc had not yet finished, making this the first light novel to surpass the web novel's point in the story.
- That being said, by this point the light novels had already taken a mostly different story trajectory.[1]