Magical★Explorer - Eroge no Yūjin Chara ni Tensei Shita kedo, Game Chishiki Tsukatte Jiyū ni Ikiru's original web novel is written by Iris and published on Shōsetsuka ni Narō. The web novel started in February 26, 2018 and is still ongoing on an irregular schedule. Recent chapters feature a mostly different story trajectory than the light novels.[1]
There exists a legendary bishoujo game that gained great popularity among Japanese gentlemen.
Its name is "Magical★Explorer", aka Magiex or Magiero for short.
The game's protagonist has cheat-like abilities with 12 different beautiful heroines to flirt with, including the 12 additional heroines from the add-on disc, it's a harem of 24 beauties! And now I have become that protagonist! ………………Not. Instead, I have become the comic relief character who's always laughing like an idiot next to him.
Of course, I was in despair at first. It's only natural. If I were the protagonist I could've had all 24 heroines for myself along with unparalleled cheat powers. Alas, as I am merely the comic relief side-character, no heroine would lay their eyes on me.
But now I couldn't care less about the protagonist and his heroines. Why? Because I discovered magic. While I was using it, I became interested in it, and desired to master it. I want to become the strongest. Thus, I've made a decision.
I shall abandon half my role as the protagonist's friend to focus on training my magic, until I gain the power to beat the hell out of that cheat who can solo the Demon King.
...... Is what I thought I'd be doing, but why have I become friends with the eroge's heroines? And why are so many eroge protagonist-like events happening?!日本の紳士の間で一世風靡した伝説の美少女ゲームがある。
もちろん最初は絶望した。 当たり前の事だ。主人公だったら二十四人のヒロインを侍らし、チート無双が出来る。だが俺は三枚目だ。あてがわれるヒロインはいない。
だけど俺は主人公だとか、ヒロインなんかがどうでも良くなった。それは『魔法』に出会ったからだ。 魔法を使っているうちに、俺は魔法を興味を持ち、極めたいと思った。魔法で最強になりたいと思った。そして俺は決意する。
主人公の友人という役割を半分放棄して、魔法を鍛えよう。そして、 魔王ですらソロで倒すほど成長するマジエロ主人公。あのチートをぶっ倒そう。